AQAR Report 2017-18 Click Here
AQAR Report 2018-19 Click Here
AQAR Report 2019-20 Click Here
AQAR Report 2020-21 Click Here
Report Click Here
Data For SSR
Womens Empowerment Programme- Swayamsiddha workshop
Sexual Harasment and Womens Grivence Cell
Student Enrollment List 2017-18 to 2021-22
GR for Reservation percentage for admission
Teaching Learning Methods Used
Teaching Learning Methods Used
Study Tour/Industrial Tour Report
Student Participation/Seminar Activities
B. Voc. Field work/Avishkar report
ICT Lectures/Zoom/Google Classroom/Swayam Lectures report
Internal External Exam Evaluation process
Minutes of Meeting Internal Exam 2017-18 to 2021-22
4.1.1: Availability of adequate infrastructure and physical facilities
4.2.1 Library facility purchase Bills
4.2.1 Amount spent on purchase of books & journals
4.2.1 Per day usage of library
6.2.1. Strategy Development & Deployment
Android app Development Workshop
5.1.1 Student Benefited Scholarship
Language and communication skills
Language and communication skills
Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene)
5.1.3 Students benefited by Competitive exam
Mechanisms for submission of online/offline students’ grievances
Document related to Prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee
7.1.1: Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity
7.1.3 Green audit / Environment audit
7.1.3 Clean and green campus initiatives
7.1.3 Beyond the campus environmental promotion activities
7.1.4 Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment
Data for DVV
Students Enrolment List 2017-18 to 2021-22
2.6.2 Pass percentage TR Report 2017-18 to 2021-22
Criterion 3 Document
3.Swachhata Abhiyan in Panchayat Samite
5.Voter Registration Awareness Programme
Criterion 5 Documents
Scholarship Benefited Students for 2017-18
Scholarship Benefited Students for 2018-19
Scholarship Benefited Students for 2019-20
Scholarship Benefited Students for 2020-21
Scholarship Benefited Students for 2021-22
5.1.2. documents for 2021-22
2. Language and communication skills
3. Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene)
5.1.3. students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations
1.Seminar of Competitive Examinations 12/01/2018
2.e-Workshop on Competitive Examinations
3.Lecture on Competitive Examinations on 25/03/2022
5.1.4. Student redressal/ Discipline committee
5.1.4 Prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee
Certificate of (Green audit Energy audit Environment audit)
Certificates of the awards received from the recognized agency.
Report on environmental promotional activities conducted beyond the campus
Data for AQAR
1.1.1 Institution has Mechanism for well-planned curriculum delivery & Documentation 2018-19
1.4.2 Feedback Analyzed 2018-19
2.3.2 Students Mentoring 2018-19
2.5.2 Reform initiated on Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) system at the institutional level 2018-19
2.5.3 Academic calendar prepared and adhered for the conduct of Examination & other related matters 2018-19
2.6.1 Program Outcomes Program Specific outcomes and course outcome 2018-19
3.1.1 Research funds sanctioned and received from various agencies, industry, and other organizations 2018-19
3.2.1 Workshops/Seminars Conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-Academia Innovative practices during the year 2018-19
3.4.3 Students participating in extension activities with Government Organizations 2018-19
3.5.2 Linkages with institutions/industries for internship 2018-19
4.4.2 Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic, and support facilities 2018-19
7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness 2018-19
7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness 2019-20
2.6.1 Program Outcomes Program Specific outcomes and course outcome 2019-20
2.7.1 Student Satisfactory Survey (SSS) 2019-20
4.4.2 Physical Facility in College 2019-20
7.2.1 Best Practices 2019-20
7.3.1 Institutional Distinctiveness 2019-20
2.7.1 Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) 2020-21
Data for AQAR 2023-24
Criterion 7
7.1.1 Supporting Document