The Department of Mathematics of our college is established in 2000. Our College offers three year B.Sc (UG) degree program with Mathematics subject available in two subject group. The faculties of the Department are well qualified. We want our students to develop strength in mathematics and cultivate skills in both reasoning and problem solving. We believe that in developing students ability to logically, rationally and analytically solve complex math problems, we will see our students succeed not only their math classes but also in other academic areas and life in general. Our aim is to empower students mathematically so that they have ability to explore, conjecture and reason logically as well as the ability to use of mathematical methods effectively to solve non routine problem. Department arranges seminar activity, group discussion and other activities in order that students actively and interestingly take part in teaching learning process. We also run add on certificate course on ‘ Quantitative Aptitude’
Subject Group Available For Admission in Mathematics Department (2022-23)
1) Physics – Chemistry – Mathematics
2) Physics – Mathematics – Computer Science
From the Academic Year 2024-25 New Education Policy is implemented as per the guidelines provided by Gov/UGC/Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. Student can choose Mathematics as major or minor subject
Result Analysis
Academic Calendar 2022-23
Teaching Plan 2022-23
Add on Course- Certificate Course on Quantitative Aptitude
Placed Students
Student Enrolled
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