The National Service Scheme was started in Late Ku. Durga K. Banmeru Science, Lonar District Buldhana, M.S. from 2000, Which affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. The sole aim of the NSS is to provide hands on experience to young students in delivering community service. The Unit has capacity of 100 volunteers.
The NSS is part of our academic, social and personal life as it is the third dimension of education. It allows the students to actively contribute their services for the cause of community and the nation, thus helping them develop their personality. Service and attain the traits of a leader of the nation. As such, the NSS is the right platform, where the student- youth of the nation may get to involve with real-life social activities, and thereby become responsible citizen
of India.

All the youth volunteers who opt to serve the nation through the NSS led community service wear the NSS badge with pride and a sense of responsibility towards helping needy.
The Konark wheel in the NSS badge having 8 bars signifies the 24 hours of a the day, reminding the wearer to be ready for the service of the nation round the clock i.e. for 24 hours.
Red colour in the badge signifies energy and spirit displayed by the NSS volunteers.
The Blue colour signifies the cosmos of which the NSS is a tiny part, ready to contribute its share for the welfare of the mankind.
Motto of NSS